Thursday, February 9, 2012

Portlandia...and other things.

This post is going to be random.  Consider yourself warned.  My goal is to post a blog every day this week.  Not because I want to blog everyday but because this past week SOOO much has gone on and I want to remember it all! I am so behind on does that even happen?  (1.) We had guest for 6 days.  I've been busy.  (2.) I want to blame it on editing.  I've never edited a picture in my life until a few weeks ago and now I'm addicted.  BUT now that I can see the difference It's so hard for me to put a picture on my blog that hasn't be edited, especially if it's from my cell phone. (Which if I haven't said lately, it takes HORRIBLE pictures. I miss my old phone.)  Editing pictures takes so much time.

Random: Have you ever seen the show Portlandia?? It's pretty funny.  Mainly because we live in Oregon now and get most of the jokes.  They exaggerate a little...maybe...  I want to do a post one day on the difference between Oregon and Alabama. 

The picture below I took of the T.V. When we were watching Portlandia. Check out the Pillows!

Now check out the pillows below at our house!!
We have the same pillows!!  haha! Ok, cheesy, I know!  Gotta love IKEA!
Portland's IKEA is where I got our pillows.  (and our curtain rods for $1.99 each and our curtains!) 

Okay, I told you it was random.  (and just think, I could have spared you guys this blog and actually wrote about something important! ha!)

1 comment:

Kerrie Williams said...

HAH that's so funny and awesome:) I'd love to read a post comparing the two states!