Saturday, January 28, 2012

Why I blog.

      This is my life on paper. 23 Journals here and I'm missing one.  I know this because it's my very first one. It's got to be around here somewhere.  It's small so it's likely that it didn't make it on the bookshelf but maybe in a drawer or box somewhere.  I started my first Journal in 1993 if I remember correctly.  I was 11 years old.   Some of these Journals are just horrible poetry. Some are mission trip journals. Two of them are more like scrapbooks with mostly writing but with pictures. I also have a pregnancy Journal and  2 "Mama" Journals answering questions about each of my girls and my life growing up. I love looking back on life. So, if you haven't guessed yet, (1) I blog because I want to be able to look back on life. It's my new a weird public kind of way.  Also I'm living 2,000+ miles away from almost everyone I grew up with.  (2) Blogging is a cool way to let friends and family back in Alabama know whats going on here in Oregon with the Williams family. (3) It's my new "hobby".  What else do you do when you move from a place where you knew a million people (not literally) to a place where you only know 10 people? Ha! Get out there and meet people, right? Yeah... well, also I'm enjoying my girls being at an age where I can blog.  I remember having a 3-year-old and a newborn and wondering how in the world anyone with kids EVER blogs! Things are calming down now and I LIKE it, a lot! :) 
       So, been wonderin' why I've been posting on my blog almost every single day lately? Well, there ya go! Recording life online for ME and YOU! (and the fact that my mom's been here helping with the girls so I have extra help... and my little secret: I'm writing this post on Thursday night while the kids are in bed...but you won't see it until Saturday. But if you see things slow down it may be because mom is leaving in the morning (Friday)...which was yesterday...If that makes since...) Whew, ok so that last part was confusing. I think I need sleep! Thanks for reading my blog! Friends, family, strangers...  I hope you enjoy!


Kerrie Williams said...

haha this was a fun one to read. It made me laugh. I MISS YOU AUDREY. Now I'm sad. ugh. thanks a lot. ;)

No and Jen said...

Aww thanks for sharing! I love blogging! I've only been blogging since August but it is somewhat like a journal and every now and then I enjoy looking back through my posts!
Found you from Casey Wiegands' link up!

Jenna from