Friday, March 2, 2012

It's FRIDAY: A Week Review in Pictures

and something NEW....
Today, along with the picture review for the week,
I'm going to introduce you to one of the blogs that I follow:
My friend, Bryan over at:
If you are into photography or writing, you will LOVE his blog. 

Last Friday Deci decided to take her Bike out for a spin around the block.  I can't wait until the weather gets better and we can do this more.  She's getting really good...maybe this Summer we can even try without training wheels.
 Saturday morning we went to an indoor yard sale at a local church.  All proceeds went to help the high school group go on a mission trip over spring break.  I found this pillow! $1
 Saturday afternoon Q took Deci out to Chuck E Cheese while Journey and I napped. He called at 3:30pm saying she threw up all over the mall floor.  He brought her home and it got bad.  She was throwing up every 10 minutes the first 2 hours so we decided to take her to Urgent Care.  As we got in the car I got the car.  I know, YUCK! They ended up giving us both medicine.  Q took this picture below:
LOVELY. :) We got home at 8 and went straight to bed waking up off and on all night.  At 3am Q comes in saying that Journey is throwing up.  I was so weak at this point I could hardly move.  Q seriously was SUPER Dad and SUPER Husband. Breanna ended up getting it also but we are all feeling better now! :) We ended up spending the whole week inside though and it was quite a Looooooong week.
Deci wanted to make blanket forts.
Below: Pond and the Sun, Apple Tree with Pink Latter, A Monster.
We got this book below in the mail this week from Uncle Wade and Aunt Kerrie!
Deci loves it and I think there is one for Journey on it's way.
We woke up to SNOW one morning!
Deci was so excited.  For some reason she thinks it's Christmas every time it snows. :)
Outtakes from A Photo (or two) an Hour:
This little girl has been working on 4 teeth coming in at once for about 2 weeks now! Yes 4! I think 2 of them are completely in now but 2 are still barely showing through. She has been really fussy lately...especially on this day.  She also decided to draw on the floor...and her foot.

Also, on Fridays, I'm going to start adding A Post From my Past link since I went almost 2 years of not posting on my blog I thought I would give you a chance to read some of my favorite blogs from my past. :) Here's the first one: What to do with a toddler on a Cold or Rainy Day.  This post was over 2 years ago and it reminded me of this past week. Being Sick, Snow, and finding creative things to do inside.  This week (not pictured) we also got out shaving cream to play with on the table. 
 I would love to hear from you what you do with your kids inside when you can't get out.

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