Friday, February 17, 2012

A Week Review in Pictures

Last week I forgot to do a week review in pictures so this one has a few pictures from last week.  Warning: You are about to see  A LOT of pictures. :)
Deci and her outfits:

On Saturday Q and I went out for Valentine's Day.  We went to get super at a Thia place in Eugene then we headed on over to the Roller Derby Tournament.  It was soooo much fun to watch.  The middle picture is from our neighbors 2nd birthday party.  And the picture on the right was our celebration after getting our taxes done.  We didn't owe anything back! Whoohoo!!!  Deci requested that we sing her happy birthday, so we did.  Why not? :)
Monday night bible study.  Marks on the wall from a 1-year-old.  Yay for Magic erasers! That stinker little 1-year-old learning to wear a bow.  Sisters. :)

Q (Click HERE to see his blog) took Deci on a Daddy/Daughter date last night.  On Valentine's Day he came home with flowers and Chocolates!!  Then we ordered my favorite: Stuffed Crusted Supreme Pizza from Pizza Hut! We ended the night watching Lost after the girls went to bed! It was a perfect day.

Journey wearing Deci's backpack and rain boots. My Valentine Deci made me at school.  The Valentine's Deci sent to family. Deci and Raegan. The McKinney family came down to Eugene on Valentine's day to take Knox to a clinic.  Breanna watched Charger and Raegan.  Raegan went with me to pick up Deci from school.  :)
So, I dyed/colored my hair twice in one day.  The picture (above) on the left is after the first color.  My new friend, Katie colored my hair the first time.  She is amazing and gave me an AMAZING deal for her to color my hair professionally.  The problem is that she has never touched my hair before and I colored my hair this dark brown/black color a few months ago.  So, it's so not her fault that my hair didn't change much.  By the way she said she would fix it for me but for us to not be rushed she would have to wait until Tuesday. Busy, busy girl who is spending the weekend in Portland with family.  If you know me, you know I don't have patience and when I decide to do something I want to do it NOW. :) SO, I went out and bought hair color myself (pictured above Middle).  Yes, I wanted my hair that red/orange color.  Breanna (Her blog) put the color on for me and we left it on for 45 minutes AND she put the color on my ends first.  Here's what my hair looks like now:
:)  I'm thinking the problem is that dark brown/black color that I put on months ago will not absorb a lighter color.  I've colored my hair a lighter red color before and it took but it was probably because my hair didn't have color in it.  So...this is what my hair will look like if you see me in the next month or so...I'm not touching my hair again for a little while. :)  I'm not sure this is the "different" I was going for but it sure is different.

*Speaking of Breanna (mentioned above) Please go read this post HERE about her and her upcoming trip to India and find out how you can support her by giving financially and praying for her! :) Thanks!

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