Well, the day has finally arrived when picknik.com no longer lives so I had to find a new photo editing procedure and It's killing me! I've been on photobucket.com for the past hour and not got anything done. I know this will just take time...but if any of you have any other suggestions of websites where I can edit pictures let me know.
So today there aren't any picture collages and I hate it because I love them...but here goes...
We started the day off by driving up Pilot Butte. From the top we could see SOOO many snow covered mountains. Mt Bachelor, Mt. Washington, the three sisters, 3 fingered jack, and Mt. Hood..I think...
I forgot to add in the last post about the funny story about when I told Deci we needed to start packing for our trip. It went something like this:
Me: "Deci, we need to start packing for our trip."
Deci: "But I hate packing!"
Me: "I'll pack for you."
Deci: big sigh, "Ok, but do we have to pack the table?"
Me: "No, we're only going for the weekend."
Deci: "Ok, but can I take my pink blanket, big dog, my elephant, and my bunny?"
Me: "Sure."
I think the 3 moves we've made in the past year and 1/2 has made its toll on Deci....I mean, the table? really? She honestly thought we were going to have to pack the whole house and move again! ha!
I loved seeing all the big white puffy clouds! When it's cloudy where we live, it's CLOUDY...like you-can't-see-the-sun cloudy!
Journey decided to sleep though this adventure.
Next, we went to go hike to a water fall and found a nice man on the way back to make this picture of us. Notice Deci with No shoes...hiking with no shoes. yep.
Deci started out with shoes on but remember when I talked about getting these boots for $3 at a thrift store...well thrift store shoes aren't always the best. They wouldn't stay on her feet right and when she ran they started sliding off...it was just easier to take them off.
Lava Fields.
We were talking with some married couples the other day about this hiking trip. These married couples don't have kids yet and I guess Q and I feel it's our responsibility to warn them how hard it can be with kids... This hike was 1/2 a mile (there and back) but felt like we hiked 10 miles. This picture below was at the water fall and at this point we were both carrying kids and they weren't cooperating at all...
After this we went back to the house and canceled our plans of going out to eat because we were exhausted. It was very relaxing and we taught Deci how to play the board game Sorry. Then when the girls went to bed we opened a bottle of wine and Q and I played the game Sequence. I LOVED not having television or internet.
We didn't go to bed so early and I regretted it later when Deci woke up screaming around 12ish and got in the bed with us. I think around 1ish Journey woke up crying (which is weird because she's my kid that sleeps all night, every night). I tried to put her in the bed with us but Deci was taking up 1/2 the king size and Q was taking up the other 1/2. So we went to the bottom of the bunk bed where Deci started off sleeping. Journey wouldn't go back to sleep. I think she finally went back to sleep around 3 then I woke up hearing this beep...beep...beep...beep sound coming from downstairs. At first I thought it was the house alarm but knew it would have been louder. I went to wake up Q but when I got out of the bed Journey woke up. Q went down stairs and it was just the kitchen timer going off...I'm not sure why... We finally got back to sleep and woke up Sunday and headed home. It was a very fun family weekend. Just what we needed.