Saturday, April 7, 2012

This is how we make PIZZA around here...

First off Momma and Deci do the hard work.  Rolling down the pizza dough, putting on the pizza sauce and cheese.  Then little munchkin comes in and this is what happens.  Keep and eye on Journey.
 Big sister shows Journey what to do... take the peperoni...
 first one in the mouth!
One for the pizza...
 not too sure she's happy about that decision...
 humm... lookin' good, lookin' good...
 one for Journey...
 One for the pizza...

 ooooh, I'm caught!

Haha! Sweet girls!
 I love when we make homemade pizza! I love making these special memories with my girls.
(Sorry for the unedited pictures.  As much as I love to edit, and love the way they look, It does take so much time...time that I'm fighting for at the moment. *sigh) ;)


Kerrie Williams said...

I seriously love this! It feels like I was there. Thank you for posting this! I miss yall :(

Audrey said...

Miss you too, Kerrie!!!